电子书网站 Z-Library 主要域名再被查封

软餐获悉,电子书网站 Z-Library 称其一个主要域名被当局查封,该网站因此遭遇技术问题,目前仍在努力恢复。该网站没有提及查封域名的当局名称。

亲爱的 Z-Librarians,

捐款的入账可能会有延迟,但请不要担心 – 系统将自动将其计入,并尽快升级您的账户为高级会员状态。

  • singlelogin.re
  • singlelogin.rs


The e-book website Z-Library has reported that one of its main domains has been seized by authorities, resulting in technical issues for the website. Efforts are currently underway to restore its functionality.

Dear Z-Librarians,

Since one of our main domains was seized, we are experiencing some technical issues. Our team is already working to restore functionality.

There may be delays in crediting donations, but don’t worry – the system will automatically credit them and upgrade your accounts to premium status as soon as possible.

Please pay attention to possible fraudulent activities on behalf of our library, and remember that our site does not offer lifetime premium status. The website is still available via the links below:

  • singlelogin.re
  • singlelogin.rs

We are currently working on getting our support team back up, so they can reply to all your messages.

Thank you for your understanding and patience ❤️



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