谷歌将禁用 Chrome 中的 Manifest V2 扩展

软餐获悉,Google 将在未来几个月内在 Chrome 的稳定版本中自动禁用 Manifest V2 扩展。Google 表示,将从 6 月 3 日开始在 Chrome 的 Canary、Beta 和 Dev 版本的扩展程序上显示横幅。此外,特色扩展将失去其徽章。Google 将编制一份不再受支持的扩展程序列表,并为用户提供替代方案。此外,该公司报告说,自宣布更改以来,V3 扩展已大幅增加。谷歌声称,Chrome 网上应用店中超过 85% 仍在定期维护的扩展程序已更新到 Manifest V3。

Manifest V2 是一组 API 和规则,用于浏览器扩展(如广告拦截器)。根据计划,它应该在 2023 年 6 月之前被禁用,但由于迁移问题一直被推迟。广告拦截器开发者们对 V3 提出了批评,因为它使扩展更难以屏蔽广告。这归因于 declarativeNetRequest API,该 API 应该替代当前的 webRequest API。Google 表示已经进行了多次更改以满足开发人员的需求。

Google will automatically disable Manifest V2 extensions in the stable version of Chrome in the coming months. Earlier, Google announced that it would stop supporting Manifest V2 extensions, but the specific timing has yet to be determined. Google has stated that starting from June 3rd, banners will be displayed on extensions in the Canary, Beta, and Dev versions of Chrome. Additionally, featured extensions will lose their badge. Google will compile a list of unsupported extensions and provide alternative solutions to users. Furthermore, the company reports a significant increase in V3 extensions since the announcement of the change. Google claims that over 85% of extensions in the Chrome Web Store that are regularly maintained have been updated to Manifest V3.

Manifest V2 is a set of APIs and rules used for browser extensions, such as ad blockers. It was originally planned to be disabled before June 2023 but has been delayed due to migration issues. Developers of ad blockers have criticized V3 because it makes it more difficult for extensions to block ads. This is attributed to the declarativeNetRequest API, which is intended to replace the current webRequest API. Google states that multiple changes have been made to accommodate the needs of developers.

谷歌将禁用 Chrome 中的 Manifest V2 扩展
Gustave Agnes的头像Gustave Agnes


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