YouTube 推出数十款免费小游戏


软餐获悉,YouTube 刚刚推出了数十款免费的 “轻量级” 游戏,这些游戏被称为 “Playables”,其中包括国际象棋游戏和《愤怒的小鸟》系列。这些游戏可直接在 Android 和 iOS 版 YouTube 应用程序以及浏览器中访问。YouTube 将逐步推出这些游戏,该过程可能需要经历数月。YouTube 称将有 70 多款 “轻量级、娱乐性强的游戏” 登陆该平台,包括《愤怒的小鸟对决》、《奇迹的文字》、《割绳子》、《面具之墓》和《疯狂猜图》等,支持保存游戏的进度和得分。

YouTube has just launched dozens of free “lightweight” games known as “Playables,” including chess and the Angry Birds series. These games can be accessed directly through the YouTube app for Android and iOS, as well as the browser version. YouTube will gradually roll out these games, and the process may take several months. YouTube states that over 70 “lightweight and entertaining games,” such as Angry Birds Showdown, Words of Wonders, Cut the Rope, Tomb of the Mask, and Trivia Crack, will be available on the platform. Progress and scores in the games will be saved.



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