FBI 查封数据泄露论坛 BreachForums

软餐获悉,联邦调查局和国际执法机构联盟日前查封了数据泄露论坛 BreachForums 的网站和 Telegram 频道。该网站的所有者已于今年初被捕。 BreachForums 的 Telegram 频道发布消息称,FBI 和美国司法部接管已接管了该频道,当局正在检查该网站的后端数据。 BreachForums 被视为 RaidForums 的精神继承者,定期在论坛上共享和出售包含个人数据的文件,文件是通过抓取或黑客攻击收集的。

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the International Alliance of Law Enforcement Agencies recently seized the website and Telegram channel of the data breach forum, BreachForums. The owner of the website was arrested earlier this year. The Telegram channel of BreachForums announced that it had been taken over by the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice, and authorities are currently examining the backend data of the website. BreachForums is considered to be the spiritual successor to RaidForums. It regularly shares and sells files containing personal data on the forum, which are collected through scraping or hacker attacks.



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