软餐获悉,加密软件开发商 Proton 宣布,将从 4 月 22 日起在开源商店 F-Droid 上发布其密码管理器应用 Proton Pass。同时,该应用仍将在 Google Play 商店中可用。从 F-Droid 上下载应用程序无需登录 Google 帐户。Proton 官网同时提供有独立的 APK 安装包下载。Proton 计划后续通过 F-Droid 发布旗下其他应用程序,例如 Proton Mail、Drive 和 Calendar 等。
Encryption software developer Proton has announced that starting from April 22nd, they will be releasing their password manager app, Proton Pass, on the open-source store F-Droid. The app will also remain available on the Google Play Store. Downloading the application from F-Droid does not require logging into a Google account. Proton is also considering providing independent APK installation packages. Proton plans to release their other applications, such as Proton Mail, Drive, and Calendar, through F-Droid in the future.