[实测] Edge 浏览器获得了图片放大功能

[实测] Edge浏览器获得了图片放大功能

软餐获悉,微软已在 Microsoft Edge 浏览器的桌面稳定版中添加了放大图像的功能。通过右键单击图像,即可选择放大图片。此外将鼠标指针悬停在图像上时,按两次 Ctrl 键两次也可实现放大。此前要放大图片,用户需要在新标签页中打开或下载图片。微软自去年底开始测试该功能

Microsoft has added the feature of zooming in on images in the stable version of the Microsoft Edge browser for desktop. Users can simply right-click on an image to select the option to zoom in. Additionally, zooming can be achieved by hovering the mouse pointer over the image and pressing the Ctrl key twice. Previously, users had to open or download the image in a new tab to zoom in. Microsoft has been testing this feature since the end of last year.



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