Brave 浏览器安卓版内置了 AI 助理 Brave Leo

Brave 浏览器安卓版将获得内置人工智能助手 Brave Leo。几个月前,Leo 助手已在 Brave 桌面版浏览器中推出。Brave 表示,Leo 助手默认基于来自法国的 Mixtral 8x7B 模型提供服务,同时还提供了 Claude Instant 和 Meta Llama 2 13B。Brave Leo 提供有免费版本,并提供每月 15 美元的订阅服务,以获取更全面的功能。用户可通过浏览器地址栏或访问的任何页面唤出 Brave LeoAI,以寻求总结页面内容、比较商品、问答等服务。

The Brave browser for Android is set to receive an integrated AI assistant called Brave Leo. Leo has been available in the desktop version of Brave for several months now. Brave states that Leo’s default service is based on the Mixtral 8x7B model from France, and they also offer options such as Claude Instant and Meta Llama 2 13B. Brave Leo provides a free version, as well as a subscription service priced at $15 per month for more comprehensive features. Users can summon Brave Leo AI through the browser’s address bar or on any visited page to seek services such as summarizing page content, comparing products, and performing Q&A tasks.

Brave浏览器安卓版内置了AI助理Brave Leo


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