软餐获悉,Telegram(电报)发布了 2024 年 1 月的版本更新。我们从冗长的更新日志中提炼出了这次更新的要点内容,供读者参考。这包括:
- Telegram 现在允许发送一次性语音和视频消息,这些消息在播放后会删除。
- 支持查看 1 对 1 私聊消息打开的确切时间。允许隐藏查看时间和阅读状态。
- 增强了保存的消息功能。可通过聊天或列表查看已保存的消息。
- 改进了聊天搜索功能。查看聊天搜索结果更方便。
- 录制语音或视频消息时,允许暂停然后继续录制。
- 新的共享联系人设计。
- 改进了 iOS 上的视频消息录制,视频质量更清晰、前后摄像头切换更快以及减少相机抖动。
- 为 macOS 新增了 15 个应用图标。
- Telegram Premium 用户:新增私信权限,即可限制谁可以发送消息(所有人/联系人/高级用户)。
- Telegram Premium 用户:可以观看更高质量的视频动态/Story。
- Telegram Premium 用户:为已保存的消息添加多个标签,以便搜索。
- Telegram Premium 用户:隐藏上次查看消息时间的同时,仍可以看到其他人的时间(如果对方对你开启了)。
Telegram has released an update for January 2024. We have summarized the key points from the extensive changelog for readers’ reference. These include:
- Telegram now allows sending ephemeral voice and video messages that are automatically deleted after playback.
- Support for viewing the exact time a 1-on-1 private chat message was opened. The ability to hide view time and read status.
- Enhanced functionality for saved messages. Saved messages can be viewed through chats or a dedicated list.
- Improved chat search functionality for easier viewing of search results.
- During the recording of voice or video messages, it is now possible to pause and resume recording.
- Redesigned share contact feature.
- Improved video message recording on iOS, with clearer video quality, faster camera switching between front and back cameras, and reduced camera shake.
- Added 15 new app icons for macOS.
- Telegram Premium users: Added the ability to restrict who can send messages (everyone/contacts/advanced users) with private chat permission.
- Telegram Premium users: Can watch higher-quality video stories.
- Telegram Premium users: Can add multiple tags to saved messages for better organization and search.
- Telegram Premium users: Can hide the last viewed message time while still being able to see the time of others (if they have it enabled for you).
![[清单] 2024年1月Telegram功能更新速览](https://www.ruancan.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/2024112209481934.gif)