OpenAI 禁止创建模拟美国总统候选人的机器人

软餐获悉,OpenAI 发布了一项新政策,该平台现在禁止用户创建基于 GPT 的美国总统候选人聊天机器人。上周末,一个模拟明尼苏达州第三选区美国众议院议员迪恩·菲利普斯(Dean Phillips)的 ChatGPT 聊天机器人已被 OpenAI 禁止。菲利普斯是民主党宣布的美国总统候选人。这个名叫 “Dean.Bot” 的机器人是由开发公司 Delphi 创建的。它获得了政治团体 We Deserve Better 的资助。 OpenAI 认为这种行为违反了其使用政策。

OpenAI has announced a new policy that prohibits users from creating GPT-based chatbots impersonating US presidential candidates. Over the weekend, a ChatGPT chatbot simulating Dean Phillips, a US House Representative from Minnesota’s 3rd congressional district and a declared Democratic candidate for the US presidency, was banned by OpenAI. The chatbot, named “Dean.Bot,” was created by the development company Delphi and received funding from the political group We Deserve Better. OpenAI deemed this action to be in violation of its usage policy.



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