
软餐获悉,在上周谷歌解雇数百名员工后,该公司再次对广告销售团队动刀,负责向大公司销售广告的 Google 大客户销售部门(LCS)将裁撤数百位员工。谷歌发言人解释说:“每年,我们都会经历一个严格的流程来构建我们的团队,使我们能够为我们的广告客户提供最好的服务…我们将客户映射到合适的专家团队和销售渠道,以满足他们的服务需求。作为其中的一部分,全球将取消数百个职位,受影响的员工将能够申请谷歌的空缺职位或其他地方。”

After last week’s layoffs at Google, the company is once again making cuts to its advertising sales team. The Large Customer Sales (LCS) department, responsible for selling ads to major corporations, will see the elimination of several hundred positions. A Google spokesperson explained, “Every year, we go through a rigorous process to structure our teams in a way that allows us to provide the best service to our ads customers… We map clients to the right specialized teams and sales channels to meet their service needs. As part of this, several hundred positions will be eliminated globally, and affected employees will have the opportunity to apply for vacancies within Google or elsewhere.”



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