AdBlock 发布更新,修复 YouTube 延迟问题

软餐获悉,AdBlock 和 Adblock Plus 的开发者本周分别发布了更新,以修复导致 YouTube 出现延迟的故障。最新版本为 Adblock Plus 3.22.1 和 AdBlock 5.17.1 。这两款广告拦截器均出自同一家母公司 Eyeo,其工作方式也相同,即隐藏元素并阻止与广告服务器的连接。本周早些时候,有用户反馈说 YouTube 视频出现降速现象,人们猜测 YouTube 为了引导用户订阅 YouTube Premium 而针对广告拦截器用户进行了降速,但之后 AdBlock 开发者澄清降速是该扩展的 Bug 引起的。

The developers of AdBlock and Adblock Plus released updates this week to fix a bug causing delays on YouTube. The latest versions are Adblock Plus 3.22.1 and AdBlock 5.17.1. Both ad blockers are developed by the same parent company, Eyeo, and function by hiding elements and blocking connections to ad servers. Earlier this week, some users reported experiencing slowdowns on YouTube videos, leading to speculation that YouTube was deliberately slowing down users of ad blockers to encourage subscriptions to YouTube Premium. However, the AdBlock developers later clarified that the slowdown was caused by a bug in their extension.

AdBlock发布更新,修复 YouTube 延迟问题


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