微软承诺修复 Win10 更新 KB5034441 引发的安装故障

软餐获悉,微软正在彻底修复 Windows 10 更新 KB5034441 引发的安装失败/报错问题。我们早前报道,该更新导致用户遇到了错误代码 “0x80070643 ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE”,微软对此建议用户手动调整恢复分区的大小,以安装 WinRE 更新,但当时没有提及它是否正在修复该问题。安全更新 KB5034441 解决了 CVE-2024-20666 漏洞,该漏洞可能允许攻击者绕过 Windows 10 系统的 BitLocker 加密。

Microsoft is actively working to resolve the installation failure/error issue caused by Windows 10 update KB5034441. As previously reported, this update resulted in users encountering the error code “0x80070643 ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE.” Microsoft advised users to manually adjust the size of the recovery partition to install the WinRE update. At that time, Microsoft did not mention whether they were addressing the issue. Security update KB5034441 addresses the CVE-2024-20666 vulnerability, which could potentially allow attackers to bypass BitLocker encryption on Windows 10 systems.



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