软餐获悉,Netflix 广告负责人艾米·莱因哈德(Amy Reinhard)表示,带广告的 Netflix 订阅计划在全球的订户已突破 2300 万。 2023 年秋季时,这个数字是 1500 万用户。他还透露,其中 85% 的订户每月至少播放两个小时的连续剧和电影。自 2022 年 11 月以来,Netflix 已在美国、德国、法国和英国等地提供带广告的订阅。
Amy Reinhard, the advertising executive at Netflix, stated that the number of subscribers to Netflix’s ad-supported subscription plan has exceeded 23 million globally. In the fall of 2023, this number was 15 million users. She also revealed that 85% of subscribers watch at least two hours of TV shows and movies per month. Since November 2022, Netflix has been offering ad-supported subscriptions in countries such as the United States, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom.