
软餐获悉,谷歌在当地时间星期三裁掉了几百位员工,涉及谷歌助手项目、硬件和内部软件工具等多个部门。暂不清楚被裁员工的具体数字。作为重组的一部分,Fitbit 的联合创始人 James Park 和 Eric Friedman 也将离开公司。谷歌发言人解释说,谷歌正在投资于该公司最重要的优先事项和未来的重大机遇。该公司表示,正在帮助受影响的员工在内部寻找其他职位。截至去年 9 月底,谷歌的员工数量超过 18 万人。

Google laid off several hundred employees on Wednesday, local time, across multiple departments including the Google Assistant project, hardware, and internal software tools. The specific number of employees affected is not yet clear. As part of the restructuring, James Park and Eric Friedman, co-founders of Fitbit, will also be leaving the company. A Google spokesperson explained that Google is investing in its most important priorities and future significant opportunities. The company stated that it is assisting affected employees in finding other positions internally. As of the end of September last year, Google had over 180,000 employees.



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