
软餐获悉,《华尔街日报》日前发布了题为《马斯克吸毒令特斯拉和 SpaceX 高管倍感担忧》的报道,这篇文章写道:

据目睹过马斯克吸毒的人和其他知情人士称,这位世界首富使用过 LSD 致幻剂、可卡因、摇头丸和迷幻蘑菇,经常是在世界各地的私人聚会上,参加者要签署保密协议或交出手机才能入场。马斯克曾在公开场合吸食大麻,并表示自己有类似迷幻药的氯胺酮的处方。

例如,2018 年,他在自己于洛杉矶举办的一次派对上服用了多片迷幻药。次年,他在墨西哥的一次活动中吸食了迷幻蘑菇。2021 年,在巴塞尔艺术博览会期间,他与弟弟金巴尔·马斯克 (Kimbal Musk) 在迈阿密的一个家庭聚会上吸食氯胺酮作为消遣。他曾与 SpaceX 现董事会、特斯拉前董事会成员 Steve Jurvetson 一起服用违禁药品。

这篇文章还曝料,马斯克的密友也透露,马斯克曾经在一些私人派对和活动中吸食毒品。一些高管和董事会成员担心,这位亿万富翁吸食 LSD 致幻剂、可卡因、摇头丸和迷幻蘑菇等毒品,可能会有损他麾下多家公司。有人猜测,马斯克 (Elon Musk) 在公开场合经常表现出举动多变、行事飘忽不定、以及经常发布 “失控” 的言论可能与他吸食毒品有关。


The Wall Street Journal recently published an article titled “Musk’s Drug Use Causes Concern Among Tesla and SpaceX Executives,” which stated the following:

According to individuals who have witnessed Elon Musk using drugs and other informed sources, the world’s richest person has used LSD, cocaine, MDMA, and magic mushrooms, often at private parties around the world where attendees are required to sign nondisclosure agreements or surrender their phones before entry. Musk has publicly consumed marijuana on one occasion and claimed to have a prescription for a similar hallucinogenic drug called ketamine.

For example, in 2018, he consumed multiple doses of hallucinogens at a party he hosted in Los Angeles. The following year, he consumed magic mushrooms at an event in Mexico. In 2021, during the Basel Art Fair, he and his brother, Kimbal Musk, indulged in ketamine for recreation at a family gathering in Miami. He has also used prohibited substances together with Steve Jurvetson, a current board member of SpaceX and former board member of Tesla.

The article also revealed that Musk’s close associates disclosed instances of him using drugs at private parties and events. Some executives and board members are concerned that Musk’s use of LSD, cocaine, MDMA, and magic mushrooms could undermine the companies under his leadership. Speculation suggests that Musk’s erratic behavior, unpredictable actions, and frequent “out of control” statements in public may be related to his drug use.

Following the publication of this article in The Wall Street Journal, Musk promptly took to social media to deny using illegal drugs.

Harley Norris的头像Harley Norris


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