英国电信运营商着手关闭 3G 网络

软餐获悉,英国多家电信运营商正在着手关闭该国的 3G 网络。最激进是沃达丰(Vodafone LSE),它已经在某些地区关闭了 3G,并将在本月或下月完成关闭工作;EE 表示,它将在本月开始关闭 3G;Three(3)表示将在今年年底前完成关闭;Virgin Media O2 则计划到 2025 年才开始关闭 3G。还在用 3G 的英国用户将不得不开始考虑切换到 4G 或 5G 了。

Several telecommunications operators in the UK are in the process of shutting down the country’s 3G network. The most aggressive in this regard is Vodafone (LSE), which has already shut down 3G in certain areas and is set to complete the shutdown this month or next month. EE has stated that it will begin shutting down 3G this month. Three has announced that it aims to complete the shutdown by the end of this year. On the other hand, Virgin Media O2 plans to start shutting down 3G in 2025. It is now time for UK users who are still using 3G to consider transitioning to 4G or 5G networks.



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