苹果 Vision Pro 头显 2 月 2 日在美国开售

苹果Vision Pro头显 2 月 2 日在美国开售

软餐获悉,苹果首席执行官蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)发文称,其混合现实智能头显设备 Apple Vision Pro 将于 2 月 2 日在美国上市发售。“空间计算的时代已经到来。” 库克在一篇文章中写道。库克没有提到该设备的售价,但此前曾宣布其起售价为 3499 美元。尚不清楚 Vision Pro 何时在美国以外地区销售。

Apple CEO Tim Cook announced in a post that the mixed reality smart headset, Apple Vision Pro, will be launched and available for purchase in the United States on February 2nd. “The era of spatial computing has arrived,” Cook wrote in an article. Cook did not mention the price of the device in his post, but it was previously announced to start at $3,499. It is still unclear when Vision Pro will be available for sale outside of the United States.

苹果Vision Pro头显 2 月 2 日在美国开售


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