
早前社交媒体上流传的 “会议决议文件” 照片。

据官媒证券时报,江西省抚州市公安局网警通过微博辟谣称:近日,有网民通过微博、今日头条等网络平台传播 “抚州市公安局获批处置大额涉案国外数字加密货币” 的相关图文信息。经核实,相关内容为虚假信息。抚州网警提醒广大网民不造谣、不信谣、不传谣,公安机关将依法严厉打击网络谣言,维护清朗网络环境。

——此前社交媒体上流传一份 “会议决议文件” 照片,照片显示江西抚州公安局获得批准,将处理涉案的大量比特币和以太币,所得资金将被用于地方财政。

The Public Security Bureau Cybersecurity Division of Fuzhou City in Jiangxi Province, China, has debunked rumors through Weibo. Recently, some netizens have been spreading related text and image information on platforms such as Weibo and Toutiao, claiming that the Fuzhou City Public Security Bureau has been authorized to handle a large amount of foreign digital encrypted currencies. After verification, it has been confirmed that this information is false. Fuzhou Cybersecurity Division reminds the public not to create, believe, or spread rumors, as law enforcement agencies will strictly crack down on online rumors and maintain a clean online environment.

Previously, a photo of a “meeting resolution document” circulated on social media. The photo indicated that the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau in Jiangxi had been approved to handle a large amount of Bitcoin and Ethereum related to a case, and the funds obtained would be used for the local financial system.



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