[清单] Telegram 发布 2023 年终更新

软餐获悉,当地时间 12 月 31 日,Telegram 官方发布了 2023 年第 10 次更新,也是最后一次更新。


  1. 为通话添加了新的动画和背景。它们可根据通话状态(响铃/活动/已结束)动态变化,并且占用的资源更少、更加省电。
  2. 修复了通话功能数百个错误和界面故障,并对通话质量进行了改进。
  3. 上个月的 iOS 版之后,安卓版也获得了消息自毁动画效果。
  4. Telegram 机器人现在可以对消息做出反应并管理反应、引用和链接,发送回复等。
  5. 机器人可在频道中获取有关赠品和提升的信息。

Telegram 正对机器人功能进行大规模更新,官方将在本月公布更多信息。

On December 31st, local time, Telegram officially released its 10th and final update of 2023.

Here are the key points of this update:

  1. New animations and backgrounds have been added for calls. They dynamically change based on the call status (ringing/active/ended) and consume fewer resources while being more power-efficient.
  2. Hundreds of bugs and interface issues related to calls have been fixed, and improvements have been made to the call quality.
  3. Following the iOS version released last month, the Android version now features message self-destruct animation effects.
  4. Telegram bots can now react to messages and manage reactions, quotes, links, and reply sending.
  5. Bots can acquire information about giveaways and promotions in channels.

Telegram is undergoing extensive updates to its bot functionality, and more information will be announced by the official later this month.

[清单] Telegram发布2023年终更新
Harley Norris的头像Harley Norris


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