[链接] 微软 AI 助理 Copilot 客户端上架 Google Play

[链接] 微软AI助理Copilot客户端上架Google Play

软餐获悉,微软最近低调地面向 Android 操作系统发布了其人工智能助理 Copilot 的应用程序。该应用已上架到 Google Play 商店(链接)。据悉该应用已获得了暗黑模式、DALL-E 3 AI 作图、文档撰写、历史聊天查询等功能。微软描述道:“使用 Copilot 提高您的工作效率 – 您的 AI 驱动的聊天助手 Copilot 是 Microsoft 的开创性聊天助手,由最新的 OpenAI 模型 GPT-4 和 DALL·E 3. 这些先进的人工智能技术提供快速、复杂和精确的响应,以及从简单的文本描述中创建令人惊叹的视觉效果的能力。在一个地方聊天和创作 – 免费!” 本文发出时,该应用下载已超过 10 万次。

此外,Android 用户还可通过 Edge 浏览器、SwiftKey 输入法以及 Skype 等应用程序访问 Copilot。

Microsoft recently quietly released its artificial intelligence assistant application, Copilot, for the Android operating system. The application is now available on the Google Play Store (link). It is reported that the application features dark mode, DALL-E 3 AI drawing, document writing, and historical chat queries. Microsoft describes the application as follows: “Boost your productivity with Copilot – your AI-powered chat assistant. Copilot is Microsoft’s groundbreaking chat assistant driven by the latest OpenAI models, GPT-4, and DALL·E 3. These advanced AI technologies provide fast, sophisticated, and accurate responses, as well as the ability to create stunning visual effects from simple text descriptions. Chat and create in one place – for free!”

Additionally, Android users can access Copilot through applications such as the Edge browser, SwiftKey keyboard, and Skype.

[链接] 微软AI助理Copilot客户端上架Google Play
Harley Norris的头像Harley Norris


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  • 昵称的头像
    昵称 04-26 19:35

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