软餐获悉,苹果公司正在与一些美国新闻出版商进行谈判,这家科技巨头希望访问这些出版商的新闻档案,以推进其自己的生成式人工智能模型的开发。苹果目前正与康泰纳仕、 NBC 新闻和 IAC 进行谈判。康泰纳仕是《纽约客/The New Yorker》、《Wired》、《Ars Technica》、《GQ》、《Pitchfork》、《Vogue》和《名利场/Vanity Fair》等杂志的发行人。 IAC 是 People 和 Daily Beast 等媒体的拥有者。匿名消息人士透露,苹果希望达成一项适用数年的协议。该公司愿意为此支付约 5000 万美元。今年早些时候,有传闻称苹果正在开发自己的大语言模型。
Apple is currently in negotiations with several US news publishers as the tech giant seeks access to their news archives to advance the development of its own generative AI model. Apple is currently in talks with Condé Nast, NBC News, and IAC. Condé Nast is the publisher of magazines such as The New Yorker, Wired, Ars Technica, GQ, Pitchfork, Vogue, and Vanity Fair. IAC owns properties like People and Daily Beast. Anonymous sources have revealed that Apple is aiming for a multi-year agreement and is willing to pay approximately $50 million for it. Earlier this year, there were rumors that Apple was developing its own large-scale language model.