软餐获悉,据 Android Authority,Android 14 将可以向用户显示电池的健康状态。在最新的 Android 14 QPR2 Beta 版中,有一个隐藏的电池状态页面,其代码表明它可以显示 “与新电池相比,电池当前可以提供的估计电量”。这可以帮助用户来评估自己的手机电池是否需要更换了,就像 iPhone 那样。一直以来,Android 用户仍然需要借助第三方应用程序查看电池的健康状态。自 12 月初发布最新的 Pixel Feature Drop 更新以来,Pixel 用户已经能够请求有关其电池的更多信息,包括生产日期等。
Soft meal learned that Android 14 will be able to display the battery health status to users. In the latest Android 14 QPR2 Beta version, there is a hidden battery status page, and its code indicates that it can display “the estimated power available compared to a new battery.” Android users have always needed third-party applications to view the health status of their batteries. This can help users assess whether their phone batteries need replacement, just like iPhones. Since the release of the latest Pixel Feature Drop update in early December, Pixel users have been able to request more information about their batteries, including production dates.
![Android 14 可显示电池的健康状态](https://www.ruancan.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/2024112209481934.gif)