微软弃用混合现实平台 Windows Mixed Reality

软餐获悉,微软宣布启用 Windows Mixed Reality 平台。微软称:“Windows Mixed Reality 已弃用,并将在 Windows 的未来版本中删除。此弃用包括混合现实门户应用,以及适用于 SteamVR 和 Steam VR Beta 的 Windows Mixed Reality。”

微软在 2015 年 1 月对外展示了 Microsoft HoloLens 增强现实 / 混合现实头显设备,并对此抱有雄心。HoloLens 及其随附的平台框架在当时被称为 “Windows Holographic”,但在 2017 年,它更名为 “Windows Mixed Reality”。

Microsoft announced the activation of the Windows Mixed Reality platform. Microsoft stated, “Windows Mixed Reality has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Windows. This deprecation includes the Mixed Reality Portal app as well as Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR and Steam VR Beta.”

In January 2015, Microsoft showcased the Microsoft HoloLens augmented reality/mixed reality headset device to the public and had ambitious plans for it. The HoloLens and its accompanying platform framework were initially referred to as “Windows Holographic,” but in 2017, it was renamed “Windows Mixed Reality.”

微软弃用混合现实平台Windows Mixed Reality


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