[实测] Edge 浏览器终于迎来「超级拖拽」功能

[实测] Edge浏览器终于迎来「超级拖拽」功能

软餐获悉,微软终于为 Edge 浏览器带来了超级拖放(Super Drag and Drop)功能。软餐实测发现,它已出现在 Edge 121 稳定版(121.0.2277.4 )中。只需在链接、文本或图片上单击鼠标,同时向浏览器地址栏方向拖动,即可在新标签页中打开它。如果拖拽的对象是文本,Edge 浏览器则会打开默认搜索引擎搜索文本——超级拖放功能对于 Chrome 或 Firefox 用户并不陌生。

目前需要手动启用 Edge 超级拖拽功能,方法是访问 edge://flags/#edge-super-drag-drop 并将标志启用,重启 Edge 浏览器,然后进入设置 – 外观 – 将 “启用超级拖放” 开关开启即可。你还可以在设置中选择在后台或前台打开超级拖拽的页面。我们的测试显示,该功能在 Edge 稳定版上运行良好。

Microsoft has finally brought the Super Drag and Drop feature to the Edge browser. Soft meal testing found that it has appeared in the stable, Dev, and Canary versions of Edge. Simply right-click or click on a link, text, or image and drag it towards the browser address bar to open it in a new tab. If the dragged object is text, Edge will use the default search engine to search for the text – Super Drag and Drop is not unfamiliar to Chrome or Firefox users.

Currently, you need to manually enable the Edge Super Drag and Drop feature by visiting edge://flags/#edge-super-drag-drop and enabling the flag, restarting Edge browser, then going into Settings – Appearance – toggle on “Enable super drag and drop”. You can also choose whether to open super drag and drop pages in background or foreground in settings. Our tests show that this feature works well on the stable version of Edge.



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