欧盟对 X(Twitter)启动调查

软餐获悉,欧盟委员会(European Commission)已正式对 X(Twitter)启动调查,以了解其是否违反了欧盟的《数字服务法》(DSA)。欧盟将调查 X 平台的几个领域包括 “X 为打击在欧盟传播非法内容而采取的风险评估和缓解措施” 、 “为打击平台上的信息操纵而采取的措施的有效性” 等。欧盟还将研究 X 平台可能存在的 “在让研究人员访问 X 的可公开访问数据方面的疑似缺陷” 等。欧盟委员会没有公布何时结束调查。其公告称,欧盟可以接受 X 提出的补救措施。马斯克或 X 尚未对调查进行回应。

The European Commission has officially launched an investigation into X (Twitter) to determine whether it has violated the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA). The EU will investigate several areas of the X platform, including “X’s risk assessment and mitigation measures taken to combat the dissemination of illegal content in the EU” and “the effectiveness of measures taken to combat information manipulation on the platform.” The EU will also examine possible “suspected deficiencies in granting researchers access to publicly available data from X.” The European Commission has not announced when the investigation will conclude. Its announcement states that the EU is open to remedies proposed by X. Musk or X have not yet responded to the investigation.



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