软餐实测发现,电子书网站 Zlibrary 的 Telegram 公共频道已被关停,访问该频道现在提示 “因版权侵权,该频道不再可用。” 该频道可能是在 11 月底被关。 Zlibrary 的官方频道开设于 2023 年 3 月。目前 Zlibrary 的电报机器人等服务仍在运行。
The Telegram public channel of the e-book website Zlibrary has been shut down. Accessing the channel now displays a message stating, “This channel is no longer available due to copyright infringement.” The channel was likely closed at the end of November. Zlibrary’s official channel was established in March 2023. Currently, other services of Zlibrary, such as the Telegram bot, are still operational.