软餐获悉,在今年年初微软从 Microsoft Edge 浏览器中移除了云母(Mica)效果移除后,现在云母效果已在刚发布的 Edge 120 中再次回归。但微软并未在更新日志中提及它,用户可以手动将其开启。方法是升级到 Edge 120 后,访问 edge://flags/#edge-visual-rejuv-mica,将 “Show Windows 11 visual effects in title bar and toolbar” 标志(在标题栏和工具栏中显示 Windows 11 视觉效果)开启并重启浏览器即可。云母(Mica)是微软在发布 Windows 11 时推出的新的 UI 设计材料,它使用用户的桌面壁纸和主题来创建独特的视觉效果。
At the beginning of this year, Microsoft removed the Mica effect from the Microsoft Edge browser. Now, with the release of Edge 120, the Mica effect has returned. However, Microsoft did not mention it in the update log, and users can manually enable it. The method is to upgrade to Edge 120, visit edge://flags/#edge-visual-rejuv-mica, enable the “Show Windows 11 visual effects in title bar and toolbar” flag, and restart the browser. Mica is a new UI design material introduced by Microsoft when releasing Windows 11. It uses users’ desktop wallpapers and themes to create unique visual effects.
![[技巧] 云母(Mica)效果已重回Edge浏览器](https://www.ruancan.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/2021112804143910.jpg)