软餐获悉,在本周因 X(Twitter)被广告主广泛抵制而爆粗口之后,马斯克似乎在调整其广告销售策略。据悉,X(Twitter)正在将广告销售的重点专向中小企业,以对冲大公司离开该平台的影响。 X 平台称,中小企业是一个非常重要的引擎,但该平台长期以来确实忽视了它们。现在 X 正与 JumpCrew 等第三方广告营销公司建立联系,以向它们外包广告销售。 X 平台 CEO 雅克里诺也在周四发出全员信,力挺马斯克的决定。此外,X 平台还在计划开发更多的订阅和数据许可服务。
After the profanity outburst on X (Twitter) this week, which led to widespread advertiser boycotts, Musk seems to be adjusting his advertising sales strategy. It is reported that X (Twitter) is now focusing its advertising sales efforts on small and medium-sized enterprises in order to offset the impact of large companies leaving the platform. The platform claims that small and medium-sized enterprises are a very important engine, but it has indeed overlooked them for a long time. Now X is establishing connections with third-party advertising marketing companies such as JumpCrew to outsource their advertising sales. The CEO of X platform, Jack Lino, also issued a company-wide letter on Thursday supporting Musk’s decision. In addition, the X platform is planning to develop more subscription and data licensing services.