坐实了:Evernote 官宣针对免费用户的新限制

软餐获悉,笔记应用程序 Evernote 终于正式官宣了对免费用户即将到来的限制。自 2023 年 12 月 4 日起,Evernote 新老免费用户每个帐户最多可以拥有 50 条笔记和一本笔记本。拥有超过 50 个笔记和一本笔记本的现有用户仍然可以查看、编辑、导出、共享和删除现有笔记和笔记本。该公司称将于 12 月 4 日在其套餐比较计划页面上更新上述改动。Evernote 希望通过此举引导用户购买其起价为 14.99 美元/月订阅计划。Evernote 在今年发布了多项新功能,包括即时设备同步、实时编辑、AI 笔记清理、AI 搜索、稳定性改进等。

The note-taking application Evernote has finally officially announced the upcoming restrictions for free users. Starting from December 4, 2023, both new and existing free users will be limited to a maximum of 50 notes and one notebook per account. Existing users with more than 50 notes and one notebook can still view, edit, export, share, and delete their existing notes and notebooks. The company stated that it will update the aforementioned changes on its plan comparison page on December 4. Evernote hopes to guide users to purchase its subscription plan starting at $14.99 per month through this measure. Evernote has released several new features this year, including instant device sync, real-time editing, AI note cleaning, AI search, stability improvements, etc.

坐实了:Evernote 官宣针对免费用户的新限制


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