软餐获悉,在西方假日季临近之际,微软按照传统推出了 2023 年的 “Windows 丑陋毛衣”(Windows Ugly Sweater) 。微软没有停止怀旧,这次在毛衣上印上了经典的 Windows XP 默认的 Bliss 壁纸。过去几年,微软还曾在丑陋毛衣上印制 Windows 95 、扫雷游戏、微软画图(MS Paint)和 Clippy(大眼夹/回形针)等形象。消费者可通过 windowsuglysweater.com 网站购买 “丑陋毛衣”,微软将把销售所得的 10 万美元捐给大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy)。
As the Western holiday season approaches, Microsoft has traditionally released the “Windows Ugly Sweater” for 2023. Microsoft continues its nostalgia by printing the classic Windows XP default Bliss wallpaper on the sweater. In recent years, Microsoft has also printed Windows 95, Minesweeper game, MS Paint, and Clippy (the paperclip) images on ugly sweaters. Consumers can purchase the “ugly sweater” through the website windowsuglysweater.com, and Microsoft will donate $100,000 of sales proceeds to The Nature Conservancy (TNC).