电子书网站 Z-Library 推出在线阅读等功能

软餐获悉,电子书网站 Z-Library 今早宣布推出几项新功能。这包括:

  • 在图书搜索结果中向用户推荐书籍,Z-Library 声称它的推荐表现比其他推荐系统更好。
  • 可对书单中的书籍进行排序,可选择 “从新到旧” 排序,最近添加的书籍将显示在顶部。
  • 新增 “在线阅读” 功能。在线阅读功能目前仅适用于 Premium 用户,且仅支持 PDF 和 DJVU 格式图书。

Z-Library 同时透露,该网站计划在不久的将来为所有文件格式提供在线阅读支持。目前 Z-Library 还在进行黑五促销,至 12 月 1 日。

The e-book website Z-Library announced this morning the launch of several new features. These include:

  • Recommendation of books to users in book search results, with Z-Library claiming that its recommendation suggestions perform better than other recommendation systems.
  • Ability to sort books in a booklist, with the option to sort “from new to old,” where recently added books will be displayed at the top.
  • Introduction of an “online reading” feature. The online reading feature is currently only available for Premium users and supports PDF and DJVU formats.

Z-Library also revealed that the website plans to provide online reading support for all file formats in the near future. Currently, Z-Library is running a Black Friday promotion until December 1st.



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