一男子通过 Telegram 提供网络钓鱼平台被判刑

软餐获悉,一名荷兰男子因在 Telegram 上提供网络钓鱼平台被判四个月监禁。检方称,该男子在 2021 年 11 月至 2022 年 1 月期间持有多个网络钓鱼平台,并至少对外租用了两个。警方伪装要租用一个平台从而追踪到了这名男子。网络钓鱼平台是犯罪分子用于获取受害者信息以实施支付请求欺诈的工具,他们通常伪装为 Tikkie(荷兰在线支付软件)等知名软件或银行的官网,以诱导套取受害者的个人信息。

A Dutch man has been sentenced to four months in prison for operating phishing platforms on Telegram. The prosecution stated that the man possessed multiple phishing platforms from November 2021 to January 2022, and he had rented out at least two of them. The police disguised themselves as potential renters to track down this individual. Phishing platforms are tools used by criminals to obtain victims’ information for the purpose of committing payment fraud. They often disguise themselves as well-known software or official websites of banks, such as Tikkie (a Dutch online payment app), in order to deceive victims into providing their personal information.



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