
软餐获悉,马斯克推翻了他在今年 10 月做的有关 X(Twitter)一项功能的决定。他今天发推说,X 平台将重新恢复在推文外链上方的链接标题。 “在即将发布的版本中,X 将在 URL 卡图像的上部覆盖标题。”

X(Twitter)在 10 月份的更改中,删除了平台上分享的外链文章的标题,以 “提升美观度” 。这迫使用户必须打开文章才能看到标题。 X 当时希望通过此举鼓励创作者在该平台直接发布完整的内容。

[X (Twitter) will restore the display of titles for shared external articles] Elon Musk has reversed his decision regarding a feature on X (Twitter) that he made back in October. In a tweet today, he announced that the X platform will restore the display of link titles above the URL card images. He stated, “In the upcoming release, X will overlay the title above the URL card image.”

In the October update, X (Twitter) removed the titles of shared external articles on the platform to “improve aesthetics.” This required users to open the articles to view their titles. At the time, X aimed to encourage creators to directly publish complete content on the platform.



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