Spotify 新版税政策将打击滥用伪造行为

软餐获悉,音频流媒体平台 Spotify 推出了新的版税政策,该平台将处置滥用和伪造行为,新的政策将为艺术家们额外增加 10 亿美元的收入。新政策主要包括:

  • Spotify 将打击 “人工流媒体”(Artificial Streaming),即那些使用自动化软件或人工手段来人为增加音乐或视频的播放量,以获得流量和收益的行为。
  • 2024 年初开始,曲目在过去 12 个月内的播放量必须达到至少 1,000 次,才能产生记录的版税。不符合标准的曲目不会获得收入。
  • “功能性噪音歌曲” 的最小曲目长度调整为必须至少为两分钟。这包括白噪音、自然声音、机器噪音、音效、非口语 ASMR 和静音录音等。

Audio streaming platform Spotify has introduced a new royalty policy aimed at addressing abusive and fraudulent practices, which is expected to generate an additional $1 billion in revenue for artists. The key components of the new policy are as follows:

  • Spotify will crack down on “artificial streaming,” referring to activities that artificially inflate the play count of music or videos using automation software or artificial means to generate traffic and revenue.
  • Starting early 2024, tracks must have accumulated at least 1,000 streams in the past 12 months to generate eligible royalty payments. Tracks that do not meet this threshold will not receive any income.
  • The minimum track length for “functional noise songs” has been adjusted to a minimum of two minutes. This category includes white noise, natural sounds, machine noise, sound effects, non-verbal ASMR, and silent recordings.


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